How to Make Sugar Free Cookies Without the Naughty Stuff
Many people find the thought of consuming peanut butter in their daily baked goods quite daunting. Fortunately, this traditional ingredient is easily replaceable with a variety of nut butters that are low in calories. Smooth cashew butter, salted almond butter, or soy nut butter are all great options. Sunflower seed butter will, however, turn the cookies a greenish color. So, how do you make sugar free cookies without the naughty stuff?
Low-calorie sweeteners
Whether you’re looking to make a sugar free cookie or simply want to reduce the amount of calories in your cookie recipe, the low-calorie sweeteners you use in your baking recipe can make a big difference in the outcome. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the group that advocates healthier eating, says low-calorie sweeteners are safe for kids. They haven’t been linked to cancer or birth defects, but they do warn against overeating them. Similarly, the American …
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