Fitting Desserts Into Your Diet

Fitting Desserts Into Your Diet

Whether it’s for rich chocolate concoctions, fruit-flavored treats, or sweet temptations laden with spice, most people have an occasional craving for desserts. With the modern interest in keeping a slim figure and improving physical health, however, some people may feel that their favorite treats are off-limits, making the prospect of dieting seem especially grim. In excess and when sourced from poor ingredients, desserts can, in fact, be detrimental to a healthy diet, but this doesn’t mean that it’s impossible -or even difficult– to work sweets into a plan for quality nutrition. As with many aspects of healthy eating, choosing beneficial desserts requires taking a closer look at the ingredients found in standard sweet items, thinking about how these ingredients may impact a diet, and making any necessary changes to optimize results. When desserts are closely examined and steps are taken to make them more nutritionally valuable, those concerned about their …

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Sorbet: Tips for Making a Low Sugar Dessert

Sorbet: Tips for Making a Low Sugar Dessert

Few things are more satisfying than a cup of smooth, cold sorbet on a warm and relaxing day. I love to make and eat sorbet, but there is a potential downside. Unlike ice cream, sorbet has neither fat nor lactose; but just like ice cream, sorbet has lots and lots of sugar. When making sorbet, in order to get a consistently creamy texture, I would sometimes add up to one full cup of sugar for every cup of juice. Of course, the amount I added depended on the juice I was using, but that is still too much sugar. Now that I am trying to eat healthier, I have turned to a low sugar alternative.

Sorbet: Tips for Making a Low Sugar Dessert

Being on a low sugar diet, I decided to look at my local grocery store for sorbet that had reduced sugar content. Not only was the sugar levels similar to what I had been making …

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