How To Ditch The Fondant And Make Your Own Naked Wedding Cake

Wedding CakeWedding cakes are drenched in tradition and, historically, were meant to bring very good luck and prosperity to the wedding couple and all of their guests. Every charm was tied on a ribbon, and would be baked into the cake or inserted under a layer to be pulled out by 1 of the bridesmaids at the reception. I have been undertaking wedding cakes for years, and those who have in no way done cakes have no idea at how a lot is involved, financially and time wise. I am a cake decorator, and at the time I couldn’t afford a lot more, and I didn’t want the pressure of doing it myself. White frosting on a wedding cake had a extremely crucial significance even ahead of then, however.

Not only was the Roman thought of a wedding bread diverse than our own cake, but the ritual involving it was also …

How To Ditch The Fondant And Make Your Own Naked Wedding Cake READ MORE