How to Make the Best Coffee Cake and Sour Cream Coffee Cake

How to Make the Best Coffee Cake and Sour Cream Coffee Cake

The best coffee cake is made with the perfect combination of flavor and texture. The cake’s moist center is a bit gooey and sinks slightly in the middle, giving it a dense texture. While some people preferred it this way, others felt that the cake was too sticky and was too sweet. Some also loved the streusel and caramelized edges but felt that the spices were too overpowering.

At Room Temperature

For the perfect coffee cake, you should make sure the wet and dry ingredients are at room temperature. The butter and eggs should be at room temperature. Use a stand mixer or a handheld mixer to get the highest volume from the cake batter. Remember to scrape the bowl frequently, as it’s very important for the perfect cake texture. After the cake is ready, it will be stored in a covered container in the refrigerator for several days.

Best Coffee Cake

To make the best coffee cake, start by making the batter. You’ll need two large eggs and one yolk. The butter and eggs should be at room temperature, too. When you combine them, make sure that the eggs are at room temperature, as well. Then, whisk in the sour cream and a spoonful of sour cream until the batter is light and fluffy. Then, use a vanilla butter glaze to finish off the classic brunch dessert.

Perfect Coffee Cake

To make the perfect coffee cake, you need to prepare the dry ingredients first. Then, combine the wet ingredients …

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