An Easy Birthday Cake You Can Make and Decorate Quickly!
Are you trying to find ideas for an easy birthday cake?
Your child’s birthdays are tomorrow and you also can’t order a cake. Get the wedding cake pans out and begin baking. An easy birthday cake to produce and decorate is en route.
A Two-Layer Cake
I prefer a two-layer cake. To me, they appear more festive. If you have a cake mix great, or else make one from scratch. Pour mix into 2 – 9″ round pans that were greased and floured. Bake them at 350 degrees about 25 – 35 minutes. I can usually tell they may be produced by feel. If you’ll be able to put a knife in and see if it has any batter onto it. If it does it isn’t done yet. Try not to over bake it or it will be dry.
When it is done use it a cooling rack a few …
An Easy Birthday Cake You Can Make and Decorate Quickly! READ MORE