The Importance of Culinary Skills
The importance of culinary skills is increasing as CS and food skills are being used as preventive measures for diet-related diseases. Culinary skills are being taught in school, in professional kitchens, and in mobile kitchens to help students in various grades gain insight on a wide range of subjects including math, English, language arts, science, and social studies.
CS and food skills are increasingly used as a preventive measure to address diet-related diseases
Malnutrition is not something to be taken lightly. It has some pretty hefty economic and social costs. In the US, malnutrition and its related diseases contributes to about a third of adult deaths. Among lower income populations, the risk of disease is especially high. Increasing consumption of nutritious foods may help mitigate this risk.
Increasing the quantity and quality of a diet’s key nutrients can also have a positive impact on the environment. Adding soil additives to …
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