Autumn Festival Moon Cake Celebration

Mid Autumn Festival Moon CakeA mooncake is a delicately-stuffed round sweet cake that is delicious to consume and good to appear at. The cake is usually given as a gift among family members and friends through the Mid-autumn Festival or Mooncake Festival to show greetings. Hou Yi soon aroused the jealousy of other immortals who slandered him in front of the Jade emperor and the couple was banished to the moon. Due to the fact these times, people have begun to celebrate it by appreciating the full silver moon and consuming moon cakes. Mid Autumn festival is the 2nd most critical festival, soon after Chinese New Year for Chinese community. A fantastic number of poetry has been devoted to the romantic festival, representing how Chinese people hope the Moon Festival bring them romance and happiness.

This guide had been built for the Asian Mid-Autumn Festival 2015 sponsored by Workplace of the Provost, the Workplace of Multicultural Affairs, Initially Year Knowledge, and the Center for International Affairs of CWRU. The chocolate mooncake has an almost fudgy texture and the flavour of the green tea mooncake is not too overwhelming. A popular folk tale surrounding Chinese Mooncake Festival is the uprising of the Chinese against the Mongol rulers in the 14th century.

The moon at the festival evening is especially round and bright, symbolizing the peace, prosperity and household reunion. Hi Helen, My favourite part of the Mooncake Festival is the day after the actual festival when all mooncakes go for half cost! Moon cakes come in several flavors but all are made round since the round shape symbolizes the reunion of the loved ones.

Much more importantly, it symbolizes a loved ones get-together and reflects the family culture and the particular significance Chinese men and women attaching to the family reunion. The Chinese lunar calendar does not coincide with the revolution of the moon, so it is not assured that there will be a complete moon for the duration of the mid autumn festival. As August is the middle month of the Autumn according to the Chinese lunar calendar, the day is called Mid-autumn Festival.

The celebration is on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month, which is the middle of the autumn season (the autumn season getting the seventh, eighth, and ninth lunar months.) In the Gregorian calendar, the festival falls sometime about mid- to late September, or early October. It was also a custom for the basic public to worship or spend homage to the moon in mid autumn in each and every lunar August.