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3 Things to Remember When Starting Your Baby on Baby Food Month after month, parents are always eager to see just what new things their baby can do. At six months old, your baby will learn one of the most exciting and major milestones in their life – eating solid food. For full grown adults, eating is as easy as breathing, but for little babies who know nothing more than milk, being introduced to new foods can be confusing. Make sure you start your baby the right way by taking note of these tips for feeding your baby solid food. 1. Take Note of Head and Neck Control – Your baby was likely unable to move his head or neck at all when you first got home from the hospital. But at 2 months old, your baby should be able to demonstrate some neck and head control, although still quite wobbly and unstable. The reason why you should observe your baby’s head and neck control before you feed him any solid food is because this indicates that the internal structures within the neck are mature enough to swallow solid food. While many babies develop head and neck control by 6 months of age, not all babies develop at the same pace. Be sure to consult your paediatrician before you give your baby solid food. 2. Control the Portions – When parents feed their babies, they usually follow their own pace, but that’s not actually how it’s supposed to go. It’s important to take cues from your baby as to whether or not they want another bite, or if they want to stop. At first, your baby won’t eat much more than a teaspoon of food or two, and that’s more than enough to make them feel full. Learn to enjoy the experience and take cues from your little one. Don’t force your baby to consume more if they turn their head away and reject a bite.
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3. Leave Time Gaps Between Meals – If you introduced new baby food to your little one today, you should wait a few days before you go and feed another kind of food. At this time, you will want to observe your baby, so don’t give anything other than your breast milk or their baby milk formula. This is to find out if your baby has any allergies, allowing you to pinpoint specifically which food might cause the reaction, instead of confusing yourself what could have been the reason if you fed different foods too frequently. In case your baby has an allergic reaction, don’t self medicate, and instead, seek the help of a licensed medical professional.The Best Advice About Formulas I’ve Ever Written