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Health and Fitness: The Best Fitness Rowing Machine

Choosing the best fitness equipment for any exercise program can be overwhelming especially for newbies. Modern lifestyle keeps us very busy without much workout, and everybody wants to get back in shape, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you have to exercise like an athlete, climbing mountains and hitting the pavement for a long run. Rowing machine usage is low-impact that’s why it fits all ages and all exercise levels, which is an easy way to improve fitness and health.

A rowing machine or indoor rower, simulates the action of watercraft rowing which is used for exercising or for rowing training. Modern rowing machines are also called ergometers, that measures the amount of work done, which calibrates the amount of energy the rower uses through the use of equipment. This machine is totally a game changer, great for toning and building muscles, increasing stamina and losing weight. Rowing machine works out several major muscle groups, developing both the upper and lower body. It works the lungs and pumps the heart, which is considered a serious workout. It is worth checking these benefits using a rowing machine, to help you decide before posting an order or choosing from the best rowing machine list in the market today.

One of the benefits of using a rowing machine is its cardiovascular strengthening, thus promoting proper heart functioning and working heart rate, increasing endurance and stamina, as well as it promotes a stronger immune system. Rowing machine exercises allow endorphins to be released in the circulatory system, which greatly improves the quality of sleep and mood.A rowing machine exercise burns about six hundred calories per hour, thus helping you achieve your weight loss plan, toning muscles and as well as it gives you increased energy. Thus, it is clearly evident that rowing machine is more efficient than any other home gym machines available in the market today. A sixty-minute rowing machine workout is equivalent to a seventy-eight minute workout on a stationary bike without arm involvement. With a good combination with healthy eating habits and balanced diet, using a rowing machine can help you achieve your ultimate fitness goals. Rowing machine exercises workout your rhomboid or shoulder muscles, trapezoid or upper back muscles and your laterals or lower back muscles. Rowing machine exercises are good for working your biceps, pectorals and abs, developing a stronger core, and it helps improve posture and reduce back pain. It also helps you achieve a stronger grip, because it develops a stronger wrists and hands, and it is very beneficial to those who enjoy activities such as yoga and climbing.

Rowing machine exercises is the best alternative for those people who cannot perform weight-bearing exercises such as hiking, running or yoga, and for those who are overweight or those who have existing joint problems. It prevents injury compared to other gym workouts, removing the pressure of your back and helps strengthen the knees after surgery.