Food Science and Technology

Food Science and Technology

Food science and technology is a field that includes research and development that affects our daily lives. It involves many different areas, including sensory attributes of foods, molecular gastronomy, occupational opportunities, and more.

Molecular gastronomy

Molecular gastronomy is a science of cooking that uses physical and chemical changes during cooking. It involves blending ingredients with expert skills to achieve desired effects. This process may result in a fusion of flavor, a texture change, or an enlightening sensory experience.

Several chefs have played a role in the development of molecular gastronomy. Some of the early pioneers are Marie-Antoine Careme, Ferran Adria, and Heston Blumenthal. In addition to their culinary expertise, they all studied the impact of their techniques and the ingredients they used.

The most obvious example is spherification. Spherification involves dropping a flavorful base into a calcium chloride solution, which produces round gel pearls with liquid centers. They burst with intense flavors in the mouth.

Another example is deconstruction. Breaking down a dish into its component elements allows chefs to create unique plating methods and creative edibles.

Sensory attributes

A growing trend in the food industry is to focus on the sensory attributes of foods. The sensory attributes are components of a food’s quality and appeal. They include texture, taste, consistency, and appearance.

Sensory evaluation is an essential component of food research. It measures responses to various products, and provides a basis for making decisions.

New product development is also a focus of sensory analysis. During this stage, consumers’ reactions to a product’s appearance, smell, and taste can inform the design of a new product.

Sensory claims can be made for all kinds of products, including cosmetics, electronic devices, and food. In order to be successful, sensory claims must be backed up by reliable measurement of the sensory attributes.

Food sensory science uses reliable, accurate measurement of the sensory characteristics of foods. This includes taste, aroma, texture, and color. Traditionally, sensory techniques have relied on replicated tests and trained assessors. Today, these methods are being replaced with newer and faster techniques.

Social, behavioral, and psychological factors influence eating preferences

Social, behavioral and psychological factors have a significant impact on your food choices. These influences can be direct or indirect. Fortunately, there are numerous research-backed best practices that can be adopted to improve one’s eating habits. The key is being cognizant of the various social cues that influence your food consumption.

The most important thing to remember is that a person’s dietary choices are an expression of his or her unique lifestyle and personality. This is why social support can be a powerful ally in the quest for health and wellness. Getting a boost in the form of food and drink incentives, along with positive social reinforcement, can go a long way in achieving desired eating behaviors.

While it’s not surprising that social factors have a significant impact on our dietary choices, it’s not necessarily surprising that they are not always readily apparent.

Some of these influencers are subconscious, and consumers may not be aware of their influence on their food consumption.

Challenges faced by the postharvest food sector

The postharvest food sector is faced with a number of challenges. These include lack of access to markets, lack of cold chain equipment, and lack of market information. Developing effective postharvest management practices can mitigate these losses and help reduce poverty.

Postharvest loss in Africa is estimated at 16.8% for maize, 11.6% for sorghum, and 12.3% for teff. The causes of postharvest loss vary by region, crop, and culture.

Some examples are poor storage and transportation, insect pests, disease, and mechanical damage.

Many studies have been conducted on postharvest losses in Africa. A survey by the African Postharvest Losses Information System (APLIS) identified 80 studies. In many cases, data was incomplete or unavailable, making it difficult to assess postharvest loss in most developing countries.

The study found that significant postharvest losses had negative impacts on smallholder farmers and traders. One of the most important causes was poor stored- grain management, including lack of storage facilities, inadequate training, and a lack of knowledge.

Occupational opportunities

When it comes to a career in the food science industry, there are many options. This includes work in research institutions, manufacturing facilities, and retail outlets.

These positions will allow you to explore new food and beverage options, and develop new products.

Food technologists and technicians are experts in the use, packaging, and processing of foods. They also provide quality control measures, helping companies ensure that their products meet certain standards.

If you want to work in this industry, you can get started by taking a food science degree. You can also gain experience working in the field or through a related internship.

Agricultural and food scientists investigate how to make processed foods safe and healthy. This can involve conducting tests on the yield and quality of the ingredients used in the food.